Man In West Aceh Kills Toddler His Girlfriend With Sadistic
Illustration of the police line at the scene of the crime (ANTARA)

ACEH BARAT - A young man in West Aceh, Aceh with the initials AZ (22) committed a cruel act by killing a four-year-old toddler. The murder was carried out in a very sadistic way.

Iptu Fachmi Suciandi, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Aceh Police, explained that the victim was the son of the perpetrator's girlfriend. The toddler's life was taken to the warehouse where the sewers were made on Jalan Singgahmata II, Johan Pahlawan District, on Thursday.

The murder came to light after the victim's mother, PR (27), contacted her ex-husband to tell her child had died.

The father received this information on Saturday night, and at that time the victim was buried without informing the location of the funeral.

"The victim's mother claims her child's death was due to high fever and convulsions. However, PR did not reveal the burial place," said Fachmi.

Feeling that something was wrong, the father reported this incident to the West Aceh Police. After examining witnesses, including the victim's mother, the police finally managed to arrest AZ alias Ayi after an investigation related to the alleged abuse that caused the victim's death.

In the perpetrator's confession, he had abused before the victim died. After that, the perpetrator used unusual methods of using carpentry tools to torture the victim to death.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 80 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, with a penalty of 15 years in prison.

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