The General Election Commission (KPU) of Jember Regency, East Java reported a number of sub-district election committees (ppk) and voting committees (pps) suspected of having manipulated the vote results to the local electoral supervisory body (bawaslu).

"We report the responsible parties who made the logistics shift, namely three PPS members in Pontang Village and five members of PPK Ambulu District," said Jember KPU Commissioner Ahmad Hanafi as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 23.

According to him, reports of alleged election violations in Ambulu District began with information received by the Jember KPU during the calculation process at the ppk level on Thursday (22/2) afternoon because C forms were found, the results were deleted using type X.

"The alleged manipulation of the votes acquired occurred in two taps in Pontang Village, namely TPS 24 and TPS 35, causing changes in the votes of candidates for legislative members from 0 to 10 votes and initially 1 vote was changed to 10 votes," he said.

He explained that there were efforts to change the vote acquisition results from Taps to the sub-district recapitulation level by removing them using type x, so that it was not the same as the calculation results carried out at the TPS.

"Some of the evidence that we attach is a photo C result after the vote count sent by kpps to the sirekap application and C photo results when read out at the sub-district level recapitulation, there are changes or differences," he said.

Hanafi said other and similar election violations were possible, but the Jember KPU only knew about the violations that occurred in Ambulu District, while for the potential for fraud at other places it became the authority of the Jember Bawaslu.

When reporting alleged election violations at the Jember Bawaslu Office, none of the Bawaslu members met because they had assignments outside the city, so they were only met by the Jember Bawaslu Staff, Saiful Rahman.

"The Jember KPU report regarding alleged election criminal violations in Ambulu District has met the formal and material requirements. Furthermore, the report will be analyzed by the Bawaslu Commissioner," he said.

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