JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stressed that all Israeli soldiers must be withdrawn from the Palestinian territories unconditionally, asking the International Mahmkamah to declare Israel's occupation illegal when delivering a statement at a hearing held in The Hague, Netherlands on Friday.
Declaring his presence at the trial as a form of Indonesia's solidarity with Palestine, Foreign Minister Retno said Israel had publicly violated international law.
"It is clear that Israel has no intention of respecting let alone complying with international legal obligations," said Foreign Minister Retno, citing a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday, February 23.
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even said and I quoted: "Nothing can stop us. Not The Hague (ICJ), not anyone else," he explained.
Foreign Minister Retno further criticized Israel's actions in Gaza in carrying out a campaign to eliminate the mass indiscriminately against Palestinian civilians in the enclave.
"Apparently, the deaths of nearly 30,000 people were not enough for Israel as it is now almost launching another attack on Rafah, which was once the only gateway to humanitarian aid to Gaza," Foreign Minister Retno criticized.
Foreign Minister Retno said no country should be given the freedom to do whatever they want to a weaker country. This is why we have international law and need to uphold it. The role of the ICJ is very important to maintain the so-called "rules" based on the international order.
"There is great hope from the international community. I repeat, a big hope, ICJ provides a good advisory opinion for the sake of justice and humanity," he said.
Foreign Minister Retno further highlighted Israel's persistent rejection of the human rights of Palestinians to determine its own destiny. In the 2004 Advisory Opinion on The Wall, the Court reiterated that the right of Palestinians to determine their own destiny is no longer a problem.
This confirms the old belief of the international community, he continued, including as expressed through the UN Security Council and the General Assembly of resolutions, the Palestinian people have the right to determine their own destiny.
Foreign Minister Retno said, in overcoming the problem of the right to self-determination for the Palestinian people, it is also important to remember that the occupation has become an instrument to suppress this fundamental right.
The court, according to its opinion at The Wall, as well as the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, in its resolution, has reaffirmed Israel's status over time as a occupation force.
The occupation has been extended and made possible by a series of Israeli actions that violate its obligations under international law, including International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law.
"Israeli occupation is the result of unjustified use of force. Therefore, the occupation from the start must violate the law and continue to do so," he said.
"The use of force by Israel cannot be justified under the pretext of defending itself. It also violates the principle of necessity and proportionality," said Foreign Minister Retno.
As a occupation force, the Foreign Minister continued, Israel is legally obliged to maintain its temporary occupation.
"This has been violated by Israel as they try to make it a permanent occupation and also annex some of the occupied territories," he said.
Under the law, he continued, Israel should not annex under any circumstances any part of the Population Area. The UN Security Council in its various resolutions has reaffirmed this. The principle that has been established that the acquisition of territory through war is unacceptable.
Not only did it stop there, Israel's violation of Israel's international law was followed by stating Jerusalem was Israel's eternal capital that was not divided.
This action not only violates the law, but also is also very detrimental to the prospects for a two-state solution.
Others, Israel's policy of moving its own population and forcibly displacing Palestinians from occupied territories, violates basic rules of International Humanitarian Law.
This policy is clearly a violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, in which Israel became its State. This was exacerbated by Israel's efforts to change the demographic composition of the West Bank.
"As a power of occupation, Israel is legally obliged to act in the best interests of the Palestinians," he said.
Israel, however, did the opposite, strengthening a prolonged occupation by imposing military order sanctions on Palestinians, but was not applied to Israeli settlers.
"The existence of separate legal regimes that are applied exclusively to different groups of people is the policy of textbook apartheids, gross violations of human rights, especially crimes against humanity," he explained.
"The court must state that Israel's overall occupation is illegal," said Foreign Minister Retno.
"Therefore, we must end this illegal situation. Israel must stop completely, unconditionally. The presence of Israeli troops in the West Bank and Gaza makes it impossible for Israel to comply with the provisions, so Israel must withdraw its troops," said the Foreign Minister.
"Israel's withdrawal should also not be carried out under preconditions and is not subject to any negotiations. They must step down now! I repeat, they must step down now!" he stressed.
Foreign Minister Retno added that Israel must also be obliged to repatriate the Palestinian state and people.
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