SURABAYA - The elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi and Armudji were inaugurated by the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

The pair of mayor and deputy mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi-Armudji, were sworn in at the third session or around 16.00 WIB. At least five regional heads were appointed in this last session.

During the event, invited guests are limited. Only one representative can participate in the procession directly. Meanwhile, other invited guests watched the inauguration via virtual.

"I promise to fulfill my obligations as Mayor of Surabaya, with the best and fairest possible upholding the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and carry out all laws and regulations in a straightforward manner, and serve the people, Nusa and the Nation, "was the sound of the oath of office uttered by Eri during the inauguration procession.

After being inaugurated, Eri expressed his readiness to carry out the mandate of the citizens of the City of Surabaya. Of course, the programs that are carried out in the future aim for the welfare of the community. Well, one of the first focuses is on efforts to recover the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The program we are carrying out is for the welfare of the community. The second is how we provide jobs, so that the economy moves. But first, how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Surabaya first," said Eri.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that the inauguration process today has been running smoothly. This inauguration process will usher in the beginning of the journey as regional head and deputy regional head.

"Of course our hope is that the RPJMD (Regional Medium Term Development Plan) in each region is hastened," said Khofifah.

After that, said Khofifah, the Regional Government Work Plans (RKPD) in each region could be implemented immediately. Of course, the district / city RKPD with the provincial RKPD and the RKP (Government Work Plan) at the national level can go hand in hand.

"Between the district / city RPJMD, provincial RPJMD and national RPJMN, of course we must accelerate synchronization," said Khofifah.

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