JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Implementing Management (PMO) asks the public to be aware of the emergence of jockeys who assist in the selection process for acceptance of the Pre-Employment Card program and promise graduation.

Head of Legal Project Management Office for the Pre-Employment Card Program, Gabriel Mukuan, said that the public should immediately report to the police if they feel aggrieved by the jockeys in registering the Pre-Employment Card.

"In the event of a loss, it is the participants who receive the loss and they can report directly to the police or they can convey it to us and we will continue with the reporting," he said in a virtual discussion, Friday, February 26.

Gabriel said the management had worked closely with the police to prevent various criminal cases arising from jockeys. To anticipate fraudulent practices by jockeys, management has intensified education to the public.

"We educate us that no one can guarantee whether or not they qualify as a participant," he said.

In addition, Gabriel also asked the public to be careful with the emergence of fake or illegal sites on behalf of the government and the Executive Management.

In 2020, said Gabriel, management had submitted a number of reports to Bareskrim and the Ministry of Communication and Information about the existence of illegal sites that asked for personal data of potential Pre-Employment Card participants. In fact, these sites will be immediately blocked if detected by Kominfo.

"We wrote to Kominfo so that it should be followed up immediately," he said.

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