Selling 2 Cars Get 11 Votes, Comedian Dede: Failure Is An Unfinished Success!
Candidate Dede Sunandar with Perindo Party Chairman Hary Tanoesoedibjo uploaded the @dede_sunandar account

Comedian Dede Sunandar had to swallow a bitter pill for his decision to enter politics by advancing as a candidate for legislative member of the Bekasi City DPRD.

As of Thursday, February 22, at 11.00 WIB, Dede Sunandar only managed to collect 11 votes out of 36.53 percent of the KPU's real count. The Perindo Party itself only got 1.19 percent of the votes in the real count.

Realizing that he didn't get much votes, Dede tried to entertain himself. "Failure is a success that doesn't happen to be a wkwkwkw," he wrote on Instagram @dede-sunandar.

Previously in the upload in November 2023, Dede through his Instagram account expressed confidence and confidence in advancing to become a legislative candidate.

"If Allah has taken part, there is no impossible word. Bismilah DPRD city Bekasi electoral district 5 West Bekasi and Pondok Gede. Number 3," said Dede at the time.

In order to venture into politics, Dede had to sell his two cars.

Car (now) one, get out two. Two cars have been sold, only one more is left. Don't (sold), my vehicle is everywhere. But there's never been any regret. If you don't choose, it's okay, there's learning from there," said Dede on YouTube Not Umbar Promise Trans7.

Dede's fate is inversely proportional to his seniors, Komeng, who actually won a lot of votes forward through the non-party channels of the Regional Representative Council (DPD). As of Thursday morning at 10.00 WIB, Komeng was still at the top of the vote, which was 1,969,572 or 20.1% of the 60.20% recapitulation results from the KPU recapitulation.

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