BANDUNG - West Java (West Java) Governor M Ridwan Kamil who is familiarly called Kang Emil inaugurated five regional head pairs from the 2020 Regional Election.

Nine out of 10 of the five pairs of regional heads were sworn in directly at the Merdeka building. Meanwhile, the Deputy Mayor of Depok was inaugurated online or virtually because he was still recovering from COVID-19 at the hospital.

5 regional heads who were inaugurated, namely the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pangandaran Jeje Wiradinata and Ujang Endin Indrawan, the Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu Nina Agustina, and Lucky Hakim.

Next the Regent and Deputy Regent of Sukabumi Marwan Hamami and Iyos Sumantri, Regent and Deputy Regent of Karawang Cellica Nurrachadiana and Aep Syaepuloh, and Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Depok Mohammad Idris and Imam Budi Hartono.

In his mandate, Kang Emil conveyed a number of messages so that the regents or mayors and their representatives could serve properly by maintaining integrity and professionalism.

"And thank God, the five elected regional heads who competed in the 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) Simultaneously we were sworn in today, namely Pangandaran Regency, then Sukabumi Regency, Indramayu Regency, Karawang Regency, and Depok City", he said.

"Everyone was present except for the Deputy Mayor of Depok because he was ill, so he was virtually inaugurated", he said.

Kang Emil gave three messages to the regional heads, namely to maintain the stronghold of integrity because many regional heads fell when their integrity was compromised.

"Second, serve the community sincerely, especially during COVID-19, yes, people are angry, many people are stressed, many economies have collapsed, so we need leaders who are patient, sincere and go down to society", he said.

Third, Kang Emil entrusted a message of professionalism and the COVID-19 pandemic taught the public not to be mediocre but to be extraordinary.

According to him, by adapting, leaders must have new theories to develop their respective regions because they can no longer use old theories in developing their regions.

"So that the message of integrity serves wholeheartedly and professionally, hopefully, it will become a provision for each of them when they are on duty", he said.

"Later in the province, we will guide them, come to Bandung or we come to our respective regions to provide reinforcement", continued Kang Emil.

Meanwhile, the three pairs of regional heads who have also conducted the 2020 Regional Elections have not yet carried out the inauguration, namely Cianjur Regency, Bandung Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency.

"So that it cannot be inaugurated this Friday. Then the Bandung Regency and Tasikmalaya Regency, the MK's decision will only be present in March, so we are still waiting for the final decision", said Kang Emil.

He said the majority of regional heads who were inaugurated were incumbents, except for Indramayu Regency. Therefore, communication can be maximized and he thanked him.

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