JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Natuna Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri), extinguished fires in forest and land fires (karhutla) in South Bunguran District.

Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Natuna Regency BPBD Zulheppy said the fire occurred on Tuesday afternoon (20/2).

He said the fire had scorched seven hectares of land and forests in the area.

"We got the information around five in the afternoon," said Zulheppy.

He explained that the fire could be extinguished at around 20.00 WIB.

"There were no casualties and the land is also far from residential areas," he said.

When the fire broke out, he said, the smog had blocked visibility and the location of the fire was close to the highway.

However, this condition did not last long, because the fire team immediately addressed it.

"The road driver or user was blocked by smoke," said Zulheppy.

He appealed to people who open plantation land and clean garden land to always maintain the fire that was turned on to minimize forest fires and hope that it will not happen again.

"The fire was extinguished," said Zulheppy.

Separately, the Head of the Natuna Syawal Regency Fire Department (Kadisdamkar) said his party had also dispatched a team to help deal with the incident.

"We also dispatched a team to help extinguish the fire," he said.

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