JAKARTA - The Agam Regency Government (Pemkab) provides extra services to serve residents affected by the eruption of Mount Marapi. Secretary of the Agam Health Service (Dinkes) Muhammad Iswon said the puskesmas and auxiliary health centers were ready to serve residents affected by the eruption for 24 hours. The health unit is specifically near Mount Marapi. "Medical workers are also prepared at the puskesmas and auxiliary health centers," he said in Lubuk Basung, Agam, Wednesday, February 21, which was confiscated by Antara. He said the Agam Health Service (Dinkes) also distributed masks to residents and students in the area. Then provide education and health counseling to the public in a mobile health center car.

"We educate schools and health services to people's homes accompanied by Babinkamtibmas and Babinsa," said Iswon.

Ia mengatakan, Dinkes Agam juga melakukan pendataan masyarakat berisiko tinggi yang berada pada jarak 3,5-8 kilometer dari Gunung Marapi.Ini bentuk upaya yang dilakukan dalam mencegah infeksi saluran pernapasan akut dampak dari erupsi Gunung Marapi tersebut.Namun ia mengimbau masyarakat agar selalu memperhatikan kesehatan dengan selalu memakai masker bila beraktivitas di luar rumah."Warga diminta tetap waspada terhadap kondisi kesehatan terkait erupsi tersebut," tandasnya.

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