Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar) Beyvi Machmudin targets the groundbreaking, aka the laying of the first stone for the Legoknangka Waste Final Processing and Processing Site (TPPAS) in Bandung Regency to be carried out in June 2024.

According to him, so far the implementing business entity (BUP) has been formed, so there is no reason for the construction of the waste processing facility to energy to be delayed again.

"The process continues. Groundbreaking, I am optimistic that it can still be done in semester 1. The end of semester 1 can still be done, June," he said in his statement in Bandung, West Java, Tuesday, February 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

Bey explained, in the construction of the Legoknangka TPPAS, it did require a short process, because apart from disposal, processing, and processing of waste, the place is also projected to be a waste power plant (PLTSa).

The facility is expected to be able to process around 2.3 thousand tons of waste per day and generate up to 35 megawatts of electricity.

The signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the winners of the TPPAS Legoknangka tender, Sumitomo, as the manager, and PT PLN (Persero), as an electricity reservoir has also been implemented.

"Continue to process. The stages are like that. I'm sure June can, because not only Sumitomo. The Japanese government (via the Japan International Cooperation Agency / JICA) is also very serious and pays attention," he said.

According to Bey, the Provincial Governments of West Java and Japan are jointly concentrating on realizing green energy in all aspects.

Including, electricity producing sources that are gradually transitioning from using fossil energy to green, one of which is by utilizing waste from waste.

"This has to work. It's waste to energy. This PLTSa is quite large and very good for both countries," he said.

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