JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) will tighten the supervision of all its members regarding the prohibition of consuming alcoholic drinks and going to nightclubs. For this reason, the National Police Headquarters asked the whole community to report if there were members of the National Police who had committed violations.

"The mechanism, through reports from the public, is then followed up on the reports", said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Friday, February 26.

The report, said Rudi, would be followed up by the Professional and Security Sector (Propam). If a violation is found.

"If there is a member's behavior that violates the provisions, then Propam will take action against the members who violate it," he said.

Apart from reports from the public, continued Rusdi, Propam will also conduct surveillance, namely by going directly to the field. So he hopes that no members of the Police will commit violations.

This supervision and prohibition were in the aftermath of a shooting case carried out by Bripka (Chief Police Brigadier) CS against 4 people at RM Cafe, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

The cowboy action was preceded by an argument between Bripka CS and the cafe employees regarding the payment bill. Moreover, at that time Bripka CS was drunk.

Meanwhile, the Head of Propam National of Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, issued a directive after the shooting took place. One of the directions is prohibiting the National of Police members from entering entertainment venues and drinking alcohol, including drug abuse.

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