Find A Number Of Problems, Southeast Sulawesi Bawaslu Holds PSU At 19 TPS
Chairman of the Southeast Sulawesi Province Bawaslu Iwan Rompo Banne. (Between/La Ode Muh Deden Saputra)
KENDARI - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra) stated that the number of polling stations (TPS) that will carry out re-voting (PSU) increased from 11 to 19 polling stations. Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Province Bawaslu Iwan Rompo Banne said the number of polling stations that will conduct PSU, namely Kendari City as many as five polling stations, Baubau three and Muna Regency as many as three polling stations. "And one TPS each in Central Buton, South Buton, North Buton, Buton, Buton, Konawe, Konawe Islands, South Konawe, and Kolaka Regency," said Iwan Rompo when met in Kendari, Antara, Monday, February 19. The PSU was carried out based on recommendations issued by Panswascam with various problems, ranging from unregistered voters to choosing more than once. "The decision to implement the PSU is based on the district/city Bawaslu report," said Iwan Rompo Banne. In addition to the 19 polling stations that will implement the PSU, he also said that there are two polling stations in West Muna Regency that will carry out further voting or PSL. Previously, the Southeast Sulawesi Province Bawaslu said that as many as 11 polling stations spread across a number of districts/cities throughout Southeast Sulawesi would conduct PSU. The head of the Southeast Sulawesi Bawaslu Province, Iwan Rompo Banne, when met in Kendari, Friday, said that the 11 polling stations were located in Konawe Regency, Konawe Islands (Konkep), Kolaka, North Buton (Butur), South Buton (Busel), Central Buton (Buteng), and Kendari City.
"Five polling stations in Kendari City, and one polling station each in Konawe Regency, Konkep, Kolaka, Butur, Busel, and Buteng Regency," said Iwan Rompo. He mentioned that the PSU was recommended based on the district/city Bawaslu report.

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