JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo praised the level of domestic components (TKDN) of the State Defense Center Hospital (RSPPN) of the Great Commander Sudirman and 20 other military hospitals, which averaged 70 percent.

According to Jokowi, high TKDN can support domestic industrial businesses and help the national economy.

"I also received a report that the construction of all TNI hospitals, the TKDN averaged 70 percent. This is also a very good step for the industry and to accelerate and support our national economic recovery," said President Jokowi when inaugurating RSPPN Panglima Besar Soedirman as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 19.

In the period from 2023 to February 2024, the Ministry of Defense under the leadership of Defense Minister Prabowo completed the construction of a total of 26 military hospitals in various regions in Indonesia. Of that number, five hospitals were inaugurated in 2023 by President Jokowi and Defense Minister Prabowo, while 21 others were inaugurated simultaneously by the President of RSPPN on Monday morning.

Of the 21 military hospitals inaugurated by the President today, 11 of them are under the auspices of the Indonesian Army, three Indonesian Navy Hospitals, and six Indonesian Air Force Hospitals.

In the TNI AD environment, 11 hospitals are also officially operating today, namely TNI AD Hospital (RSAD) Level IV Pangkalpinang Kesdam II/Sriwijaya in Pangkalpinang, RSAD Level III dr. West Sumatra Padang Reksodiwiryo Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan in Padang, RSAD Level IV Kesdam Iskandar Muda in Aceh, RSAD Level IV Atambua Kesdam IX/Udayana in Atambua, and RSAD Level IV Bima Kesdam IX/Udayana in Bima.

Next RSAD Level IV Gorontalo Kesdam XIII/Merdeka in Gorontalo, RSAD Level III Mamuju Kesdam XIV/Hasanuddin in Mamuju, RSAD Level III Tanjung Selor Kesdam VI/Mulawarman in Tanjung Selor, RSAD Level IV Samarinda Kesdam VI/Mulawarman in Samarinda, RSAD Level IV JA Dimara Manokwari Kesdam XVIII/Kasuari in Manokwari, and RSAD Level IV Sorong Kesdam XVIII/Kasuari in Sorong.

In the Indonesian Navy, three military hospitals were inaugurated by President Jokowi on Sunday, namely RSAL Level III Rahadi Osman Lantamal XII in Pontianak, RSAL Level III Dr. dr. Tarmizi Taher Lantamal II in Padang, and RSAL Level III dr. Oetoyo Lantamal XIV in Sorong.

Finally, six Air Force Hospitals were inaugurated by the President today, namely RSAU dr. Mohammad Moenir Air Base Abdulrachman Saleh in Malang, RSAU dr. Efram Harsana Air Base Iswahjudi in Madiun, RSAU dr. Siswanto Air Base Adi Soemarmo in Solo, RSAU dr. Hoediyono Lanud Suryadharma in Subang, RSAU dr. Norman Lubis Lanud Sulaiman in Bandung, and RSAU dr Sukirman Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin in Pekanbaru.

Of the total 26 military hospitals built by the Ministry of Defense in the past year, Prabowo believes that RSPPN on Jalan Veteran Raya, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta, is the largest military hospital in Indonesia. RSPPN has a building area of 62,000 square meters and provides various health services for all organs.

Some of the facilities available at the State Defense Center Hospital include inpatient rooms with a capacity of 1,000 beds, operating rooms with 11 units, intensive care rooms (ICU, ICCU, NICU, PICU) with a capacity of 90 beds, and emergency hospital installations (IGD) with a capacity of 55 beds.

The RSPPN radiology service is also equipped with sophisticated tools, including DSA (digital subtraction angiography), MRI Tesla 3, CT scan, cath (catheterization)laboratory, panorama 360 degrees, and four dimensional ultrasound.

RSPPN also provides integrated care services equipped with robotic tools and lasers for people with disabilities and people with leg and hand weaknesses.

RSPPN also has 30 units of dialysis (hemodialysis), two units of blood vessel disorders therapy, a generating medicine service, as well as integrated services for chemotherapy and cancer surgery.

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