JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court heard a pretrial filed by a spokesman for the Ganjar-Mahfud MD National Winning Team (TPN), Aiman Witjaksono regarding the confiscation of social media accounts and emails by investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police.

"To the respondent and the petitioner, because there is a limited time in this trial for seven days. Let's make a calendar of trial plans," said South Jakarta District Court Single Judge Delta Tama while chairing the trial as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 19.

According to him, the pretrial hearing between applicant Aiman Witjaksono and the respondent of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police only lasted seven days.

For this reason, said Delta, it must be agreed that the proceedings will be held and begin with reading the petition on Monday.

Then continued Delta, the respondent's answer will be read out on Tuesday (20/2), a day later on Wednesday (21/2) followed by a reading of the replica and duplication.

"The evidence will be made on Thursday. Friday in conclusion and Tuesday the verdict," he said.

The inaugural pretrial hearing submitted at the South Jakarta District Court has taken place with the first agenda, namely the reading of the application.

Previously, the Head of the Aiman Witjaksono Legal Team, Finsensius Mendrofa, said that there were three things that were submitted in the pretrial case for confiscation of social media accounts and Aiman's emails.

According to him, the defendant who was proposed to be tested, namely in this pretrial, was the National Police Chief Cq Metro Jaya Police Chief Cq Dirkrimsus Cq, a Polda Metro Jaya investigator who handled the case of Aiman Witjaksono.

"The two objects of this pretrial application are related to the letter of stipulation of permission from the court and also the contents of the letter of determination of confiscation from the court," he said.

Meanwhile, the third, said Finsensius, was related to a procedural error from the investigator who confiscated Aiman's belongings which were not in accordance with the confiscation warrant.

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