JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto said the National Defense Center Hospital (RSPPN) on Jalan Veteran Raya, Jakarta, is the largest military hospital in Indonesia.

During the inauguration ceremony of the RSPPN in the main lobby of the hospital, Jakarta, Prabowome reported directly to President Joko Widodo, the military hospital had complete health services along with facilities and tools that were also modern.

"The RSPPN has an inpatient room facility of 1,000 beds, an operating room of 11 operating rooms, an intensive care room/ICU, ICCU, NICU, 90 beds PICU, and an emergency room (IGD) of 55 beds so that it will become the largest hospital of the TNI," Prabowo reported to President Jokowi during the inauguration ceremony as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 19.

Prabowo said RSPPN health services also cover all organs, including radiology services equipped with tools such as DSA (digital subtraction angiography), MRI 3 Tesla, CT scan, cath (catheterization)laboratory, panorama 360 degrees, and four dimensional ultrasound.

RSPPN also provides integrated services equipped with robotic tools and lasers for people with disabilities and people with leg and hand weaknesses.

RSPPN also has 30 units of dialysis (hemodialysis), two units of blood vessel disorders therapy, a generating medicine service, as well as integrated services for chemotherapy and cancer surgery.

RSPPN Panglima Besar Sudirman terdiri atas 28 lantai dengan tinggi 125 meter, menempati lahan seluas 2,2 hektare dengan luas bangunan 62,000 meter persegi.

He hopes that RSPPN can meet the needs as a referral hospital for TNI soldiers and their families and benefit the wider community.

During the inauguration, Prabowo and a number of ministers, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto, and three TNI chiefs of staff also accompanied President Jokowi to directly inspect health services at RSPPN, including the radiology room. The President, Defense Minister Prabowo, and his entourage also witnessed demonstrations of the use of robotic arms in the operating room.

The group with Defense Minister Prabowo accompanied President Jokowi, including Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia, and TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto.

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