Observers Remind Prevention Is Also Important In PPA And PPO Cases
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JAKARTA - Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto said that the establishment of the Directorate for the Protection of Women and Children (PPA) and the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (PPO) urged it to be realized.

"However, the handling of PPA and PPO cases is not enough just by law enforcement, but prevention is also important. Both (law enforcement and prevention) must go hand in hand," said Bambang when contacted in Jakarta, Sunday.

According to Bambang, cases related to crimes against women and children and trade crimes are increasingly rife. Meanwhile, the units in the National Police so far cannot be maximized in law enforcement or prevention.

"With the formation of the new directorate led by one-star officers, it is hoped that it will reduce cross-sectoral obstacles so far," he said.

Regarding the formation of a new directorate at Bareskrim Polri, Bambang noted that the mindset behind the formation of the PPA and PPO Directorates was more of a legal action.

According to him, it would be different if the directorate was under the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam).

"Baharkam prioritizes preventive and preemptive efforts," said Bambang.

By looking at where the directorate, Bambang continued, showed which agency would be the leading sector in handling PPA and PPO cases.

"If at Bareskrim it means more to take legal action. If it is in Baharkam, it will certainly be more on prevention," said Bambang.

Bambang explained that Baharkam's function is more preemptive and preventive. Meanwhile, Bareskrim Polri is more of a legal action. He hopes that all police from all units to Brimob can also be preemptive and preventive, even though this task is not a direct function.

"Because the leading sector is in Bareskrim which is a function of legal action in the police, do not ignore prevention efforts," said Bambang.

Previously, President Joko Widodo signed a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regulating the addition of one directorate within the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) institution.

Presidential Decree Number 52 of 2010 concerning the Organizational and Work Procedure of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia was stipulated and signed by President Jokowi, in Jakarta, February 12, 2024.

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