JAKARTA - Seven polling stations or polling stations carry out re-voting (PSU) in Dumai City, Riau Province. The Election Supervisory Agency said that the decision was made based on the findings of supervisors in the field. The head of the Dumai City Bawaslu, Agustri, said Saturday that this PSU was based on a proposal from the TPS supervisor to the polling group (KPPS) due to additional voter issues. Therefore, the PSU is scheduled for Saturday, February 17. "The findings of the supervisory at seven polling stations were submitted to the KPPS and after being reviewed by the KPU, it was finally decided to re-vote," Agustri said, Saturday, quoted from ANTARA. The proposal for this voting, he continued, was because at the TPS there were several transfer voters, additional and special without invitations. However, some were accommodated to vote at the TPS and some were not given the opportunity to channel their voting rights. "So that steps are taken, we propose that the PSU be held only for the presidential and vice presidential elections," said Agustri.
He explained that the supervisors in the field proposed that this PSU refer to the KPU regulations regarding the provisions for moving voters, additional and special ones that may vote. The Dumai KPU then issued decision Number 176 of 2024 concerning the determination of PSU at 7 polling stations in the implementation of the 2024 General Election. The seven polling stations that were decided to hold the PSU were TPS 10 and 16 Bukit Nenas Village, Bukit Kapur District. TPS 01 Guntung Village, Medang Kampai District. Then, TPS 06 Jaya Mukti Village, Dumai Timur District, TPS 02 Bumi Ayu Village, Dumai Selatan District, TPS 21 Bukit Timah Village, Dumai Selatan District, and TPS 09 Dumai Village, Dumai City, Dumai City.

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