Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana ensured that the two points of the Wulan River embankment, Demak Regency, which had collapsed had been closed and strengthening efforts were being made.

"The two embankments that have collapsed can be closed. Initially, it was temporary, currently strengthening is being carried out, in approximately two days this embankment will be strong," he said, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.

Nana again reviewed the current flood conditions in Karanganyar District, Demak Regency, Central Java, to ensure that handling efforts had gone well, such as repairing embankments.

Currently, he said, the flood that inundated people's houses in Karanganyar, Demak, has begun to recede so that currently the height is only 10-50 centimeters.

To overcome inundation in residential areas, the former Metro Jaya Police Chief said 27 water pumps had been operated to suck up water and divert it back into the river.

The pumps came from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"In handling this, we assisted from PUPR there were around 22 water pumps, then five (water pumps) were added from BNPB and BPBD. We continue to carry out water pumping and water suction steps to be dumped into the river," he said.

According to him, a number of residents who were previously in refugee camps have now returned to their respective homes, and they have started cleaning around their residential houses.

As for reducing the intensity of rain in the area, BNPB has also operated Weather Modification Technology (TMC) to divert clumps of clouds containing water so as not to fall upstream of the Wulan River.

"This is done in order to divert clumps of clouds containing water to be diverted to other places. Thank God the weather is sunny today and the river has started to lead to normal, although it is still high," he said.

As for the Demak-Kudus Pantura route, which has been closed for the last few days due to flooding, its condition has now begun to recede.

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