TPS In Kaltara Potentially Re-voting, KPU Awaits Bawaslu Recommendations

TANJUNG SELOR - Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Suryanata Al-Islami said that re-voting (PSU) in a number of polling stations has the potential to be held in Kaltara.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Kaltara found ballots originating outside Kaltara circulating in polling stations (TPS), such as ballots from Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng).

"This incident will be coordinated with Bawaslu, I have also instructed all KPU ranks in Kaltara to inventory ballots that do not belong to Kaltara Province. In addition, we are still waiting for recommendations from Bawaslu regarding the PSU," he said, Friday, February 16.

However, his party has not found official information about implementing the PSU even though the report on the findings of ballots from Central Kalimantan Province has been received from the organizers in Bulungan Regency.

"We are waiting for the results of the supervision from Bawaslu friends. I ask for KPU friends to coordinate with Bawaslu in the city district," he said.

Suryanata emphasized that his party had not found the ballot that had been cast before the vote was held.

"There is no official information from below, for each TPS a special event form has been prepared, when there is an incident, we ask it to be filled in," he added.

Meanwhile, the head of the North Kalimantan Bawaslu, Rustam Akif, said that his party was on the same side.

will issue recommendations for potential PSU after a number of findings from officers at the TPS are validated.

"We are asking for information from supervisory officers to hear reports on the results of the supervision of TPS that have the potential to be carried out by PSU. Including collecting sufficient evidence to become the basis for issuing recommendations," said Rustam.

"Maybe one or two days there has been a decision or recommendation, the PSU limit is 10 days at the latest after the election," he concluded.

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