SOLO - Today, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Teguh Prakosa were appointed as mayors and vice mayors of Solo. The inauguration was held in the plenary house of the Surakarta DPRD.

"The inauguration ceremony for the mayor and deputy mayor of Surakarta has become one place with the open plenary meeting of the Mayor of Surakarta's first speech," said Surakarta Mayor Ahyani Daily Executive (Plh) as quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 25.

Ahyani explained that initially the inauguration ceremony for Gibran, the son of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was held at the Surakarta City Hall Tawangarum Hall. However, on the orders of the Governor of Central Java, to unite the event as a series of inauguration and the first speech in an open plenary session at the Graha Paripurna DPRD Surakarta.

"The inauguration of the mayor and deputy mayor can be anywhere, so that the Surakarta City Government will follow in order to be more time efficient. The inauguration of the mayor and deputy mayor is held virtually starting at 08.00 WIB, then followed by the first speech at the DPRD open plenary meeting," said Ahyani. .

The inauguration ceremony for the mayor and deputy mayor who attended the event was still limited according to the health protocol, which was only 50 percent of the capacity of the Graha Paripurna DPRD Surakarta City building.

However, the open plenary session of the mayor of Surakarta Gibran's first speech was not virtual. However, guests who attend are limited according to health protocols.

The plenary meeting attended by members of the DPRD as many as 45 people who will occupy the lower floors. Meanwhile, on the top floor filled with Regional Apparatus organizations (OPD), leaders of political parties, and family parties, the number is around 75 people.

What is Gibran's Promise?

During the Solo Pilkada debate, Gibran conveyed his vision of improving Solo. Gibran said that Surakarta has two big challenges.

"We must know that Solo currently has 2 big challenges. First, the problem of COVID, the impact is not only on health but on the economy, ”said Gibran in the Solo Pilkada debate, Friday, November 6.

The second problem, according to Gibran, is the sustainability of Solo as a modern cultural city. There are a number of problems that must be resolved in Gibran's view, namely congestion, population density and garbage.

"Pak Teguh and I offer a vision to represent Solo as a modern, tough, agile, prosperous culture city," said Gibran stressing that this program is based on the spirit of mutual cooperation of all Solo residents.

For economic matters, the son of President Joko Widodo talked about the credit restructuring facility. Gibran-Teguh promised to expand labor-intensive programs, especially specifically for workers who have been laid off.

In his presentation, Gibran also touched on the importance of the health protocol for preventing COVID-19. Gibran promotes 3M, namely maintaining distance, wearing masks, and washing hands. The handling of health facilities will be improved.

“Solo can rise from the (impact of) COVID. If the people are healthy, the economy is strong, ”said Gibran loudly in the Solo Pilkada debate which was also hosted by Metro TV presenter Eva Wondo.

In addition, Gibran-Teguh Prakosa emphasized the importance of maintaining culture in Surakarta.

“The modern city of Solo cannot stand on the ruins of the old city artifacts. "Traditional markets, art associations, art communities, cultural heritage, these are the pillars of Solo 's strength. This is a magnet for bringing tourists to Solo," said Gibran.

According to the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the future of Solo is Solo, which is built from the past. Solo continued Gibran must not lose his identity and character.

"We want a cultural approach to fight radicalism. We want that what is now running are the gamelans that have been donated in each village. "Gamelan has not been fully played, I discussed yesterday. In the future, we will look for teachers so that children can learn gamel," he said.

"We will touch this, we will encourage young people to have a love of belonging, have strong cultural roots. So we want a cultural approach to fight radicalism, "said Gibran

But Gibran, who is called the millennial leader, certainly doesn't forget the development of the potential of young people.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka has talked about Solo, a warehouse for creative and innovative people. The creative economy sector must be revived after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In the future, we want to accelerate the economic recovery. We want to have a credit restructuring facility for MSMEs, a labor-intensive program that has been laid off, giving local tax concessions, "said Gibran.

"I am always optimistic that in the midst of this disaster there will always be opportunities. I promise that there will be a creative hub," added the son of President Jokowi.

In the Solo Pilkada debate, Gibran, who is paired with Teguh Prakosa, wants a creative hub to help young people move up to grade.

"Later there will be a seminnar, a workshop to train young people with hard skills. We also prepare soft skills, marketing training, social media training. This opens up opportunities for young people to remain creative and productive, "said Gibran, speaking flexibly about the flagship program in the creative economy sector.

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