Nyoblos After Passing The 'Check Road', Prabowo: Rain Brings Blessings
Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto after voting at Pols 033, Babakanmadang, Bogor (Nailin/VOI)

Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto has exercised his voting rights at Polling Station 033 Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency, West Java today, Wednesday, February 14.

Prabowo had time to pass through a muddy road full of land while waiting in line with residents to vote. It is known, the location of TPS 033 at GDR Curug Field was raining heavily and drizzling.

While voting, Prabowo is grateful that the voting went smoothly. He also thanked the officers.

"Alhamdulillah, we are carrying out our obligations as citizens. Orderly at this TPS, Alhamdulillah," Prabowo told reporters after voting at Pols 033, Bojong Koneng Village, Wednesday, February 14.

"Tertib TPS di sini. Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada KPPS, petugas TPS, lancar," sambungnya.

Regarding the location of the TPS which is still covered in fog and drizzling, Prabowo doesn't have a problem. According to him, rain is a blessing.

"In the trust of our people, the rain brings blessings, brings sustenance, so we should be grateful. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. God willing. We will wait for the results," he said.

Prabowo admitted that he did not know what activities he would do after voting at Pols 033 Bojong Koneng, Hambalang this morning. Based on information, the General Chairperson of Gerindra will attend a quick count event at the Jakarta Theater with TKN, at the Bidakara Hotel Jakarta with the Gerindra DPP, and Istora Senayan with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition. After leaving his residence in Hambalang to Kertanegara.

"We'll see the progress later," he concluded.

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