Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo hopes that the voting process can run fairly and honestly. The fraud that has occurred should not happen again today, Wednesday, February 14 or during the voting.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when he was about to vote in the 2024 General Election. The former Governor of Central Java initially mentioned that many parties provided notes in the latest democratic parties, including criticism through the film Dirty Vote.

"Everyone hopes that the election will be clean, so that there will be anxiety or anxiety in civil society, religious leaders, scientists, yesterday there was a chance to make the film Dirty Vote, and of course the notes that appear in society, hopefully, that will be enough for today," said Ganjar to reporters at his residence, Kalasan Residence, Semarang, Wednesday, February 14.

Ganjar advised officers and witnesses to guard their respective polling stations (TPS). Do not let the next fraud occur, especially after the voting is carried out

"And today everything is really going back to the right path, giving the space as open, free as possible, honestly, and fairly. So that people will get the quality of democracy and good elections which are expected to be more substantive," he said.

As previously reported, the documentary titled Dirty Vote was directed by Dandhy Dwi Laksono. In his written broadcast, he conveyed that the film was a form of education for the people who on February 14, 2024 would exercise their voting rights in the 2024 General Election.

"There are times when we become supporters of presidential and vice presidential candidates, but today I want to invite everyone to watch this film as a citizen," said Dandhy.

He explained that the film was worked on in about 2 weeks, which includes the process of research, production, editing, and release. Making it, he added, involved 20 institutions, including the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), the Mahardika Nation, the New Indonesia Expedition, Equatorial, the Indonesian People's Faction, the Needdem, Indonesia Corruption Watch, JATAM, Lokataru, LBH Pers, WALHI, the Kurawal Foundation, and YLBHI.

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