PLN Jakarta Deploys 2,148 Personnel To Secure Electricity During Elections
PLN is ready to secure the election. (IST)

JAKARTA - A total of 2,148 PLN personnel from the Greater Jakarta Main Distribution Unit (UID) are ready to oversee the reliability of electricity during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). The personnel on duty are a combination of PLN employees and power transfer personnel from various types of electrical expertise.

The PLN personnel in charge of guarding the reliability of electricity consist of Technical Services (yantek) officers, command center officers, substation reliability officers, fast reaction unit officers, mid-voltage Cable Channel reliability officers (SKTM), to back office. All PLN personnel are on duty 24 hours.

General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya, Lasiran said that this election was an activity that all Indonesian people had been waiting for, a democratic party for the people.

"We have prepared PLN officers who are reliable with their respective skills. They are on guard at electricity posts spread across all units of PLN Jakarta," explained Lasiran.

This election electricity alert activity was carried out not only on election day, but has been carried out since the debate activities of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates lasted until the entire series of elections ended. Various vital electoral locations, ranging from the General Elections Commission (KPU) office, the General Election Supervisory Board office, the Constitutional Court office (MK), to polling stations (TPS) spread throughout Jakarta.

"The presence of PLN is crucial to maintain the reliability of electricity supply during the series of election activities. We want to ensure that the people of Jakarta can carry out the election process comfortably and solemnly," concluded Lasiran.

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