BIAK NUMFOR - Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) handled sperm whales that were stranded in East Biak District, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province.

"Because when the whale carcass was found it was in condition of code 4 or further decay conditions. The whale was stranded on a rocky beach area and was blocked by the mangrove stand," said Director General of Marine Space Management of the KKP Victor Gustaaf Manoppo in his statement, Tuesday, February 13, which was confiscated by Antara. The handling of the 15-meter-long whale was carried out by burning by the Rapid Response Team consisting of representatives of the Kupang National Water Conservation Area Center (BKKPN) Biak Work Unit, Supervision of Marine and Fisheries Resources (PSDKP) Biak, Biak Numfor District Fisheries Service.

The handling is to prevent adverse effects on the environment. Meanwhile, the Head of the Kupang BKKPN, Imam Fauzi, explained that the arson method was chosen because of the difficult situation to relocate whale carcasses. This incident is the second incident in the last two years on Owi Island. At the first incident, the type of whale stranded was the same but in a larger size.

Pada saat itu warga memilih membiarkan paus terurai secara alami, namun ternyata hal ini berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan karena mengakibatkan kematian karang dan biota laut lainnya seperti gurita.

Therefore, the team also continued with socialization and education to local residents regarding the protection of marine mammals and handling efforts when they found stranded marine mammals. sperm whales or commonly known as the Head of the Box Whale are marine mammals that are fully protected by the state based on Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning Plant and Animal Type Management, as well as the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 79 of 2018 concerning the National Action Plan for Marine Mamalia Conservation, so that protection of this species is important to do. sperm species are marine biota that are widely distributed, and can be found throughout the deep seas including the Pacific Ocean.

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