Ahead of the vote, one member of the Magetan polling group (KPPS) reportedly died. The deceased is Rita Setyaningsih (41) a resident of Maospati Village/District, Magetan Regency.

Rita dikabarkan meninggal pada Senin 12 Februari dini hari, sekitar pukul 04.00 WIB usai menjalani perawatan di RSAU Efram Husada, Magetan. Rita yang juga berprofesi sebagai ASN tersebut diduga kelemahan usai menjalani berbagai anggota KPPS.

Ketua KPU Kabupaten Magetan, Fahrudin, membenarkan jika salah satu anggota KPPS di wilayahnya meninggal dunia. Sebelumnya korban memang mengikuti berbagai persiapan menjelang hari penlosan pada 14 Februari mendatang.

"Regarding having high blood comorbidities or hypertension, it continues when carrying out the task of fainting," said Fahrudin.

His party has actually carried out various anticipations related to the health of all KPPS officers. Before becoming a member of the KPPS, he had to check his health and be declared healthy by a doctor.

"The requirement to become a member of the KPPS must be a health check and a health certificate is issued," added Fahrudin.

Following up on the death of one of the KPPS officers, the Megetan Regency KPU will propose to the provincial and central KPU regarding the compensation that will be given to the victims.

"If that does happen while carrying out the duties in elections, it will be proposed in relation to the compensation," concluded Fahrudin.

Rita's husband, Sunarso, who said that his wife had attended a meeting of KPPS members from Sunday morning to evening. Even though his wife has a history of high blood pressure or hypertension.

"Maybe at that time he was tired and didn't feel it. He ended up not strong until I ran to the hospital and ended up like this," said Sunarso.

Sunarso explained that Rita had started complaining that her body felt bad at the meeting place, namely dizziness and weakness. He explained that Rita had previously not participated in other activities besides working as an ASN and also KPPS.

"I've checked health too, maybe because it's his destiny. Especially lately, his activities are very busy," explained Sunarso. v

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