West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) sent as many as 780 personnel to secure the 2024 General Election polling station (TPS) on Sumbawa Island, Monday, February 12.

"We will prioritize sending personnel to Sumbawa Island because many polling stations require travel of up to 24 hours," said NTB Police Chief Inspector General Pol Umar Faroq, in Mataram, NTB, Monday, February 12, confiscated by Antara.

Departure of 780 TPS security personnel on Sumbawa Island using 12 public transport buses from Bhara Daksa Field, NTB Police, Mataram City, today.

"So, all personnel will go down to their destinations in each sub-district. From there, personnel will coordinate with the local Police to carry out security," he said.

The purpose of the last dismissal at the sub-district head office, he said, was for the personnel to participate in securing the process of distributing election logistics to their respective polling stations.

"Because this election ballot box has on average arrived at the sub-district office, so security will start from the office," he said.

The Kapolda also confirmed that the delivery of TPS security personnel on Lombok Island will run on Tuesday, February 13.

"As for those on the island of Lombok, they will depart tomorrow morning and will also arrive at their respective polling stations," he said.

Umar said that the number of Polri personnel who received the mandate to secure the 2024 electoral TPS in NTB amounted to 1,700 personnel.

"Later on February 14, 2024, there will be additional joint TNI personnel who will participate in monitoring at the TPS. Hopefully, from the monitoring, there will be no significant (disruption)", he said.

According to him, if there is a security disturbance in the implementation of voting, his party will deploy additional personnel from the NTB Regional Police.

"If there is a turmoil, of course it is necessary to thicken personnel. Later from the NTB Police, we will send reinforcement," he said.

He explained that the NTB Regional Police had prepared 320 reserve personnel in charge of helping to thicken the security of the 2024 electoral polling station.

Umar also reminded personnel to serve according to procedures, one of which is that personnel are not allowed to enter the TPS area, unless there is a request from the polling group (KPPS).

"So, of the more than a thousand personnel that we have assigned, there are those who do not have experience in securing polling stations. Here we have emphasized so that they know what and how security is at the polling station. Where is the security of the TPS, the Police cannot enter the TPS area before there is a request from the KPPS," said Faroq.

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