JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) mentioned the religiosity or religiosity of presidential and vice-presidential candidates as political actors in religion as exchange rates in politics in Indonesia. "In this case (political contestation), Islamic piety is used as a tool to seduce political actors in carrying out their Islamic communication," said researcher from BRIN Karman in a discussion that was followed online in Jakarta, Monday, February 12, was confiscated by Antara. Karman assessed that piety in religion seems to be one of the obligations in politics in Indonesia, because the political situation in this country is influenced by compatibility as the country with the most Islamic adherents in the world, as well as being one of the largest democratic countries in the world. "Political actors must make efforts to accommodate the structure of the Indonesian people, which is mostly Islam and also how can win the conditions in general elections (elections) to get votes from voters," he said.

"So, that's where efforts emerged in the form of commodification (political exchange rates) that used Islamic values with religious values," said Karman. in the context of Indonesia it has selling, markability..

Meski demikian, Karman menyebutkan kesalehan seseorang dalam berpolitik tidak hanya berpengaruh di Indonesia, tetapi juga di beberapa negara di luar negeri, yang juga melibatkan agama lainnya seperti Katolik dan Protestan."Agama itu memiliki daya tarik, sehingga,orang yang melakukan kontestasi merasa perlu untuk menggunakan simbol-simbol keislaman. Bahkan mereka yang tidak menjadi bagian dari agama Islam pun berusaha menonjolkan sisi-sisi atribut-atribut kultural, seperti yang digunakan oleh Muslim," ungkapnya."Walaupun mereka (para aktor politik) tidak berharap mendapatkan dukungan politik bagi Muslim, tapi itu mengurangi resistensi atau penolakan dari Muslim terhadap pencalonan mereka," kata Karman.

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