A total of 19,379 TNI/Polri personnel began to be shifted to secure the 2024 election vote at 117,299 polling stations (TPS) throughout Central Java.

"A total of 237,882 members of the social media have also begun to be placed for TPS security," said Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana in Semarang as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

In addition, he continued, 3,732 TNI personnel were assigned to 558 Polsek in this province.

According to Nana Sudjana, the security situation in Central Java until 2 days before the voting time was relatively conducive.

In a calm period, Nana also asked that there be no more activities that lead to the mobilization of the masses.

Nana advised security officers at the TPS to ensure that election organizers can carry out their duties properly.

He also warned of the threat of natural disasters this rainy season.

"BMKG predicts that high-intensity rain will still occur until February 15," he said.

It was also emphasized that the success of the 2024 General Election was marked by high voter participation.

Therefore, Acting Governor of Central Java invited the public to flock to the TPS on February 14, 2024, to cast their votes.

"Come to the TPS. The TNI/Polri guarantee the security of the voting at the polling station," he said.

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