DELI SERDANG - A wife in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra (sumurut) had the heart to burn her husband alive and dead in one of the internet cafes in the Jalan Limau Manis area, Lima Hamlet, Medan Sinembah Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

The wife was desperate to do this because she was annoyed, her husband often gambled, was rude, and used drugs.

The wife is known as Hisyam Surya Maey (22). He surrendered himself and was secured by Deli Serdang Police personnel, North Sumatra on Friday (9/2/2024) night after knowing that her husband named Jurdy (22) died as a result of his actions.

Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, confirmed that the incident occurred and secured the perpetrator, who is the wife of the victim.

"Yes, so we have secured the perpetrators of his own wife shortly after the incident and are currently in the process of being investigated," said Hadi, Sunday, February 11.

Hadi also explained that the husband's burning incident occurred on Friday (2/2/2024) then at around 17.30 WIB. At that time, the perpetrator and his sister-in-law came to the victim at one of the internet cafes in the Jalan Limau Manis area, Deli Serdang. I don't know what happened, the victim and the perpetrator were then involved in a verbal altercation.

After an argument, his wife and his sister-in-law left and then returned to the victim alone while carrying a bottle of gasoline. Without further ado, the wife then poured gasoline on the victim's body and then burned it using a lighter.

After burning the victim's body, the wife then fled from the scene and reported the incident to the victim's older brother. His sister-in-law then headed to the crime scene (TKP) and saw that the victim was helpless.

Knowing that the victim was in critical condition, his brother was assisted by local residents to take him to the Lubuk Pakam Regional General Hospital, Deli Serdang. After six days of medical treatment there, the victim finally died.

"We are still investigating the motive, but the initial information we received was that the victim played a internet cafe and was then approached by his wife with gasoline which had been prepared. As soon as she met her husband, the wife poured gasoline and then burned it. The victim died in the hospital, "explained Hadi.

Based on the perpetrator's confession, she was desperate to burn her own husband because she was upset, the victim often gambled and used drugs. In his confession, Hisyam stated that the victim often abused him.

"Often playing gambling and hitting, lazy to work, often taking drugs. Previously, I had an argument, sir. I made a mistake and immediately brought gasoline. I immediately poured it with gasoline and burned it," said the perpetrator in front of the officer.

To account for his actions, the perpetrator was secured and languished in the Deli Serdang Police Headquarters detention cell. The perpetrator will be subject to articles on severe persecution with a penalty of more than 10 years in prison.

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