Four districts and cities on Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) were hit by floods and landslides on Friday (9/2).

Head of the NTBAhmadi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said that three regencies and one city in the area were hit by floods, namely Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima, and Bima Regencies.

"Allegations of various causes. One of them is evenly rainy on Sumbawa Island with high intensity from noon to evening yesterday," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 10.

In addition, the topography of Sumbawa Island, which consists of hills and mountains, causes runoff water from watersheds (DAS) to accelerate water to the downstream inhabited by residents in urban areas.

"Not to mention our thin forest vegetation, so that it can no longer hold back water is one of the factors causing flooding," said Ahmadi.

For areas that are flooded, most are on the banks of rivers and areas adjacent to the river.

"Currently the water conditions have receded and residents whose houses were flooded are busy cleaning their houses from mud and garbage," explained Ahmadi.

Dari laporan sementara banjir yang melanda empat kabupaten dan kota di Pulau Sumbawa itu tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa. Sedangkan jumlah warga yang terdampak juga masih dalam pendataan BPBD kabupaten dan kota.

"There were no casualties, because many people who live along the river are also ready," he said.

Based on temporary data from the Sumbawa Regency BPBD, the number of areas affected by the flood was six urban villages with 1,489 families (KK) or 6,278 people. In addition to flooding, there were two points that were hit by landslides near PDAM Semongkat and Berang Dara after the demonstration conservation area bridge.

Meanwhile, a report from the Dompu Regency BPBD showed that one village was affected by the flood, namely Bara Village with a total of about 600 families affected. In addition, three residents were injured and have been rushed to the nearest Puskesmas, two units of residents' houses were moderately damaged and the Bara Village field fence collapsed 30 meters long, one mosque and Polindes were submerged in thick mud.

Meanwhile, Bima Regency BPBD data stated that there were 12 sub-districts affected by the flood, including Sape, Lambu, Wawo, Tambora, Sanggar, Bolo, Palibelo, Ambalawi, Soromandi, Lambitu, Belo, and Monta sub-districts. The number of affected residents is still being collected.

Then, according to Bima City BPBD data, there were six villages affected by the flood, namely Dodu Village, Nungga, Oimbodan Kumbedi, East Rasanae District. Furthermore, Ntobo Village, Raba District and Mande Village, Mpunda District.

"Currently we are on our way to Sumbawa Island to inspect the locations affected by the flood as well as bring logistical assistance to the disaster site, namely instant noodles, ready-to-eat food, blankets, sarongs, rice, drinking water, clothes, and soap," said Ahmadi.

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