The Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution said that the renovation of the Exemplary Stadium in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) would comply with FIFA standards.

"After being completed, this Exemplary Stadium will be the standard for FIFA. Not only bringing world-class football players, but I want the Exemplary Stadium to have a role in realizing Indonesia Gold 2045," Bobby said in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 9.

Unmitigated, in the future the Teladan Stadium, which is the pride of the residents of Medan and North Sumatra, will have FIFA license which means an international standard stadium.

However, the votes contributed by a handful of parties to the success of the Mayor of Medan in collaboration with the Ministry of PUPR to renovate the total Teladan Stadium inversely with the full support of Medan City residents.

The Exemplary Stadium was completed in 1953 with a capacity of around 20,000 new spectators during the leadership of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, which is completely renovated, which is targeted for completion in October 2024.

"Alhamdulillah, after going through a long process, we can finally get to this point. Where we can both do the groundbreaking (first stone laying)," said Bobby.

Saktiawan Sinaga, a former PSMS striker and the national team said they were proud because Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution had great attention in the world of football and sports in general.

"As a resident of Medan City, I am very grateful to the current mayor, Mr. Bobby. It is proven that he can have a big impact on the trust and interest of football in North Sumatra, especially the city of Medan," he said.

Not only residents of Medan City, he continued, all Medan and North Sumatra footballers have long dreamed of the city of Medan having an international standard stadium.

"It's been a long time since we all missed an international standard stadium. When we lost to other cities. Having a magnificent stadium, our dream has always been," continued the striker who used the number 26 jersey.

With the renovation of the International Exemplary Stadium and the FIFA license, Saktiawan is increasingly optimistic that the football of Medan City and North Sumatra will rise even better.

Nata Simangunsong, former General Chairperson of Medan Cinta Kinantan (SMECK) Hooligan expressed his gratitude for the efforts of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution to renovate the Teladan Stadium into world class.

"We hope not only to renovate the Exemplary Stadium, but we also want Bobby Nasution who manages PSMS to return to glory. All PSMS enthusiasts are grateful to Bobby Nasution," said Nata.

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