JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied holding back the handling of certain corruption allegations in the political year. Investigations are confirmed to run according to procedures in general.
"We will comply with the procedure only. So the investigation process is running as usual," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters quoted on Friday, February 9.
A similar step also applies to the detention of corruption suspects, said Ghufron. When investigators have found evidence, forced efforts will be made.
"Including forced efforts that meterically have met the requirements, of course from below, if it is proposed, we will technically consider everything," he said.
Ghufron said the KPK would not interfere in the democratic party. So that the handling of corruption cases will continue without being influenced.
"(The handling of the case, ed) has nothing to do with the election process," concluded Ghufron.
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