JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) announced that two corona virus cases have improved. The two patients were also allowed to go home, provided they continued to undergo independent isolation or self-isolated.
"That patient 06 and patient 14 have been tested twice (the result is) negative (COVID-19)," said spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 11.
After the test results are known, the two patients will now prepare to go home. They will also be given education to carry out self-isolation or isolate themselves from the family environment for the next 14 days.
Yuri said this education needed to be carried out because even though they had been declared negative they still needed to be careful.
"In this self-isolation they continue to use masks, avoid close contact with their families, do not use eating and drinking utensils together, then reduce activities outside the home, especially related to activities to meet other people," he said.
As for other patients who also contracted COVID-19, Yuri said his condition was getting better so that when the test was done, the results were negative and could be discharged. "Hopefully, not long after that, there will be many that are heading in a negative direction and we will be able to return home," he said.
Although there have been two patients who have improved and tested negative for corona cases. The government must announce the first death toll from a COVID-19 case.

The patient coded case number 25 was declared dead, on Wednesday morning this morning. He is a foreign national who is undergoing medical treatment after testing positive for the corona virus.
Based on his medical records, this 53 year old patient has a history of serious illness. Starting from diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and obstructive pulmonary disease that have been suffered for a long time.
The government has also coordinated with the embassy to manage the bodies and the process of returning them to their country of origin. However, the Ministry of Health did not mention the country of the patient who had died.
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