JAKARTA - Assistant Coach of the National Team for Winning Anies-Muhaimin (AmIN National Team) Tamsil Linrung invites students to move to continue critical voices of university professors.

Tamsil said the movement from campus that voiced criticism of the government regarding neutrality in the 2024 general election (election) was a positive thing.

"So far, they (campus intellectuals) are considered to be silent about everything that makes democracy run backwards and common sense does not function properly," Tamsil said in a statement quoted by ANTRA, Wednesday, February 7.

He said that the AMIN national team appreciated the courage of the chancellors, professors and academics. With this call, he hoped that the students would not be silent.

According to him, it is time for students to move to respond and follow up on what the chancellors and professors said.

Regarding the electoral development of AMIN, Tamsil said the progress was increasingly positive. The results of an internal survey show that the electability between pair number 1 and serial number 2 is very close.

"The pair 01 and 02 are already above 35 percent of the two, while the pair 03 is at 20 percent," he added.

Specifically for South Sulawesi, Tamsil assessed that the AMIN pair controlled votes in the area, with around 60 percent of support. Thus, Tamsil is optimistic that the AMIN pair can win in the province.

In the future, he estimates that support for pair number 1 and 3 will continue to increase, especially after the declaration from the rectors and professors at a number of universities in Indonesia that dare to voice criticism of neutrality and violations of democratic values by the government.

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