JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo ensured that the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesian Card (JKN-KIS) program could be used in handling various types of diseases, including heart disease and dialysis.

This was conveyed by the President during a meeting with participants of the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesian Card (JKN-KIS) at the Asber Nasution Sports Center, Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra.

"We should be grateful that there is a Healthy Indonesia Card, BPJS, but we also want it to be healthy, everything is true? Try someone who has used this card for heart disease? Anyone for dialysis? Yes? No, no fees are charged? Because indeed from our APBN we have prepared Rp46 trillion," said President Jokowi as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 7.

The President also ensured that the government's budget of Rp46 trillion for health could be well received by the public.

"I really check whether or not because the big budget disbursed by the government is really accepted by the public. Imagine if we had heart disease, there wasn't this (KIS) paying for tens, hundreds of millions, let alone being brought to Jakarta, it could be hundreds of millions," said the President.

Farida Nasution, a resident from Tebing Tinggi, admitted that she had experienced the benefits of KIS firsthand. During a dialogue with the President, Farida revealed that her experience was operating for free because she used the KIS facility.

"I once operated on the lymph nodes in the neck. I was at Pamela Hospital. There was no charge at all," said Farida.

Sumiati, another Tebing Tinggi resident, also felt the same benefits. To the Head of State, he said his experience of checking his minus eyes.

"Check the eyes and then minus. Check the health at the hospital and then told to take (glasses) on the optics. There is no pay," said Sumiati.

President Jokowi said the government would build hospitals in Tebing Tinggi City to become better hospitals with more complete medical equipment.

"This year the equipment will be sent from the Ministry of Health, the Deputy Minister has told me that medical equipment will be sent to install a heart ring, you don't have to go to Jakarta, in Tebing Tinggi already exists," said the President.

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