JAKARTA - The 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) which will soon be held on February 14, 2024, further adds to the enthusiasm of volunteers supporting presidential and vice presidential candidates to win their presidential and vice presidential pairs of choice through various campaign activities.

In the leadership of Dr. Minadi Pujaya, Koncokulo Gibran volunteers showed extraordinary dedication and deserved an award from the Head of the Prabowo National Campaign Team (TKN) Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, namely Rosan Roeslani, and all volunteers and supporters of pair 02.

The success of Koncokulo Gibran volunteers in placing banners and billboards at 450 points spread across 7 regencies/cities in East Java within 5 days reflects the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the team in supporting the Prabowo-Gibran pair.

Rosan Roeslani, Chair of the TKN, appreciated the extraordinary dedication of Koncokulo Gibran volunteers in the installation of campaign materials in the 2024 presidential election. He is optimistic that their enthusiasm will motivate all volunteers The Candidate 02 Pair, especially in undergoing a campaign to win the pair in one round.

"We thank you for the Koncokulo Gibran volunteers, because the spirit of your movement in East Java is believed to be transmitted to all Paslon 02 volunteers," he told the General Chairperson of DR. Minadi Pujaya, in Jakarta, Saturday, February 3.

Praise also came from Komjen Pol (ret) Boy Rafli Amar.

"We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all Koncokulo Gibran volunteers for their dedication in posting banners and billboards as many as 450 points in East Java," said the former Head of BNPT.

Boy Rafli hopes that their efforts will help the Prabowo-Gibran pair win the 2024 presidential election

Meanwhile, Sofia Koswara, founder of Koncokulo Gibran, emphasized that the privilege of volunteers lies not only in the amount of campaign material installed, but also in the prayers included. The spirit and prayer of Koncokulo Gibran is expected to be a strength for all volunteers. Pair 02.

"The spirit of fighting and prayers emitted by Koncokulo Gibran are expected to be a pillar of strength for all Paslon 02 volunteers in every step of this campaign journey. Thank you for the dedication and accompanying prayers in every effort," he said.

Chairman of Koncokulo Gibran, DR. Minadi Pujaya, stated that the pair 02 volunteers had long received guidance. He added that on February 5, 2024, a peak event will be held in Kediri, East Java, which was attended by hundreds of MSME actors. Pujaya hopes that the arrival of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 02 will be in accordance with the schedule made by TKN.

"Puncaknya kami akan melakukan acara party rakyat di Kediri tanggal 5 Februari diikuti oleh ratusan pelaku UMKM. Dan diharapkan, hadir capres-cawapres 02 sesuai jadwal yang sudah dibuat TKN," pungkasnya.

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