PAPUA - Pangdam XVII / Cenderawasih Maj. Gen. Izak visited 2 members of the TNI Koramil Dekai and 1 civilian victim of the shooting of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

The three shooting victims on February 5-6 were treated at the Marthen Indey Hospital (RSMI) Jayapura.

"The condition of the three victims [when visited by the Military Commander] is conscious and continues to improve," said Deputy Temporary Head of the XVII/Cenderawasih Pendam Lt. Col. Inf. Candra Kurniawan in a written statement, Wednesday, February 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

The three victims of the KKB shooting were 2 members of Babinsa Koramil 1715-06/Dekai, Sergeant Ronaldo Sirelus Abi and Praka Septipno Aria Lewa; as well as 1 civilian named Dominikus Nana.

The shooting occurred while they were doing a chicken burning event and suddenly the perpetrator who was riding a motorbike passed by and opened fire on the victims.

Yahukimo Police Chief AKBP Heru Hidayanto separately said that his party had not been able to confirm the group of perpetrators of the attack.

"Until now it is still being investigated, which group KKB," said Heru.

During this visit, the Military Commander was accompanied by the Head of Persit KCK XVII/Cenderawasih Region.

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