Facts About ABG In Penajam Kills One Family: Motives, Incidents To Rape Of Bodies

YOGYAKARTA The fact that ABG in Penajam killed a family has become a public conversation. Many think that the perpetrator in the murder of a family in North Penajam Paser is not only cruel but sadistic.

As is known, the perpetrator with the initials JND, who is a vocational school student at Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) East Kalimantan, was desperate to kill a family consisting of five people. The five people are husband, wife, and three children.

Several facts related to the murder incident carried out by JND are still being investigated. The following is temporary information that has been collected.

The sadistic murder took place on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at around 02.00 WITA. The action was carried out at the victim's house, precisely Jalan Sekunder 8, Babulu Laut Village, Babulu District, North Penajam Paser Regency.

Before carrying out the action, the perpetrator turned off the victim's house by turning it off by turning it off. After the blackout, the perpetrator then entered with a machete that had been prepared from the house.

Shortly after entering, JND met Waluyo (35) who was the head of the family. After Waluyo was helpless, JND masyk went to the room where there were other victims, namely Sri Winarsih (34), the wife of Waluyo, then there were VDS (11) and ZAA (3). The three of them were successfully made helpless by JND.

After that JND headed to RJS (15) room, the eldest daughter of Waluyo and Sri Winarsih. In the same fate, RJS died at the hands of JND.

Quoted from Antara, JND is known to have had an affair with one of the victims, namely RJS, who is the oldest child. However, this relationship did not go smoothly because RJS' parents and the victim did not give their blessing to the relationship.

Based on information from the police, after killing the victims, JND raped the bodies of the victims, namely Sri Winarsih and RJS. In fact, one of the victims was found half naked because he was only wearing clothes.

"From the perpetrator's statement, after committing the murder, he raped an adult mother and child, after that he was abandoned," explained PPU Police Chief AKBP Supriyanto.

Not only killing and raping the body, the police also found new facts that the perpetrator took the victim's cellphone and money amounting to Rp353,000. This was done by the perpetrator after the murder was completed.

Currently, the police are still investigating the motive for the murder of five victims. However, there are two possibilities.

The first assumption that the motive for the murder at North Penajam Paser was that the victim and the perpetrator often quarreled over trivial problems such as the problem of chickens and helmet loans which had not been returned for three days.

While another allegation is that the perpetrator had a romantic relationship with RJS, the victim's eldest daughter. However, at the time of the murder, the victim and the perpetrator had no relationship anymore.

In addition to the fact that ABG in Penajam killed one family, visited VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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