YOGYAKARTA - The 2024 election is in sight and it is only a matter of days. Ahead of the voting, the election participants must undergo a period of calm that lasts for several days. What are the rules for the quiet period of the election when is the schedule?

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has set a period of calm ahead of the 2024 General Election which must be obeyed by the election participants. The period of calm is days where it should not be used for election campaign activities. After going through a riot of campaigns and political contestation debates, the Indonesian people can feel a period of calm before voting.

Election participants, both presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) and legislative candidates, must obey the rules for the calm period of the 2024 General Election. So when is the schedule for this year's election?

The stipulation of the calm day of the election has been regulated in KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2022 concerning the Stages and Schedule for the 2024 General Election. The calm period of the election takes place on the day between the campaign period and the day of voting.

Based on the schedule set by the KPU, the calm period of the 2024 General Election is carried out for three days. Election participants must stop all campaign activities on 11-13 February 2024. Then on the 14th, the Indonesian people will take part in the vote to determine who is the President-Vice President and members of the legislature.

The KPU enforces rules that must be obeyed during the calm period of the election. Not only for election participants, but this rule must also be obeyed by its supporters not to carry out campaign activities.

Based on KPU Regulation Number 23 of 2018 concerning Election Campaigns, the following are a number of rules for the quiet period of the election and things that should not be done:

Based on Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, article 278 paragraph 2 stipulates that during periods of calm, implementation, participants, and/or the presidential and vice-presidential election campaign teams are prohibited from promising or giving returns to voters for activities or the following things:

Many political observers predict that the 2024 General Election may occur in two rounds. At this year's democratic party, there are three pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates that have advanced, allowing the vote to be held twice or in the second round.

Looking at the survey results from various survey institutions, the three candidate pairs received a fairly competitive percentage of votes. Many say that it is quite difficult for one candidate pair to get more than 50% of the votes, thus increasing the chances of doing the second round of votes.

The following is a series of schedules for the 2024 General Election in the event of two rounds:

March 22, 2024 - April 25, 2024: Updating voter data and compiling voter lists

June 2, 2024 - June 22, 2024: Campaign

23-25 June 2024: Calm Times

26 June 2024: Voting

26 June 2024 - 27 June 2024: Vote Calculation

27 June 2024 - 20 July 2024: Recapitulation of vote count results

The KPU will impose sanctions or penalties for individuals or groups who violate the rules for the quiescent period of the 2024 General Election. If anyone is caught promising or giving rewards to voters intentionally, either directly or indirectly, they will be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 4 years.

In addition, based on Article 523 paragraph 2 of the Election Law, it is stated that people who violate the calm period of the election will be subject to a maximum fine of Rp. 48,000,000. Meanwhile, in Article 509 of the Election Law, it is stated that people who violate the calm period of the election will be subject to a maximum fine of Rp. 12,000,000.

That is information on the rules of the quiet period of the election that must be obeyed by the election participants and their supporters. For individuals or groups caught violating the rules of the quiet period, they will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable law. Also read the conditions for the presidential election 2 rounds of the stage scenario.

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