JAKARTA - The South Jakarta General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) reminded the election supervisors at polling stations (TPS) to maintain more optimal integrity and supervision in the 2024 election.

South Jakarta Human Resources and Organizational Division (SDMO) Coordinator Asyari said the main task of the supervisor is to identify vulnerable TPS, namely voters whose ID cards do not match the TPS, where voters are registered such as apartment residents.

The most important task is the identification of vulnerable TPS. Namely, many residents who have ID cards do not comply with where they choose from polling stations. Like (inhabitants) apartments that flocked to vote," said Asyari in his statement, Tuesday, February 6.

Meanwhile, South Jakarta City Bawaslu Commissioner Ahmad Fahlevi said that if residents whose ID cards are addresses are different from their registered areas, they cannot use their voting rights such as DPT voters.

However, if residents who have taken care of their transfers and have become a list of registered voters (DPTB) at the General Election Commission (KPU) of their area and its disappointment, then they are allowed to exercise their voting rights.

"Yes, you can't vote at the TPS, except for voters who have registered themselves as moving to vote (DPTB) so they can still choose elsewhere," he said.

"However, the number of ballots that have been cast is not the same as the number of ballots such as DPT voters," he continued.

He said residents who have become DPTB can only exercise their voting rights for the presidential and vice presidential elections.

"If the person concerned has taken care of the DPTB, then the right to vote is only 1 president," he concluded.

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