JAKARTA - The police are still investigating the cause of the death of Tamara Tyasmara's child, Raden Adante Khafi Pramudityo alias Dante at the swimming pool in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta. So far, 10 witnesses have been examined in this case.

"For examination of witnesses so far, we have carried out 10 witnesses. For today, we have come in the Jatanras Polda Metro Jaya room," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Mtero Jaya Police, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra, to reporters at TPU Jeruk Purut, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Tuesday, February 6.

Wira said that of the 10 witnesses examined, one of them was the swimming pool and its guards. They are still called as witnesses.

"Witnesses from the swimming pool to the guard, until perhaps from the management system of the swimming pool itself," he said.

Later, after examining witnesses, the results will be strengthened by digital evidence. This examination will involve the National Police Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor).

"Of course we will develop the witness examination, including later we will coordinate with the puslabfor for examination of digital forensic evidence," he said.

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