JAKARTA - Candidate for Vice President Mahfud MD visited the Sirrul Cholil Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Bangkalan Regency, East Java.
During the visit, Mahfud was greeted by hundreds of students and caregivers of the KH Muqtafi Aschal Islamic Boarding School who are also Syaichona Cholil Bangkalan's great-grandson.
On that occasion, Kiai Muqtafi invited the students and residents who were present to elect a presidential and vice presidential candidate from the Madura students and sons, namely the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair.
"Refer and choose the son of Madura native, Mr. Mahfud MD, God willing, to become the leader of this nation so that Indonesia is more prosperous," Muqtafi said in a release quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 5.
He also conveyed to the people who were present during Mahfud's visit to guard the victory of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair.
"Tell family, brothers, sisters, mothers, ustaz, no one should choose other than candidate pair number 3. Continue to guard Ganjar-Mahfud's victory until February 14," he said.
Meanwhile, Mahfud advised the students to study well and correctly. According to him, the future of boarding school graduates is now brighter because many of their graduates have competence and take part in various levels of government.
"I also used to study at the Al Mardliyyah Islamic Boarding School, Waru, Pamekasan," said Mahfud.
Mahfud also said the most important thing is that students pray diligently and follow the instructions of kiai and teachers, including in terms of election choices.
"Ask for suggestions and instructions. Obey and obey the kiai," Mahfud ordered.
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