BOGOR - Again, a deadly brawl occurred in Bogor Regency. This time a student from Tanjungsari, Bogor Regency with the initials MR (17) died tragically after being hit by a sharp weapon last weekend at around 17.45 WIB.

Tanjungsari Police Chief Iptu Rustami explained that the victim suffered injuries to his back and right arm. When rushed to the puskesmas, the victim died immediately.

"Those involved in the brawl were private vocational schools from Tanjungsari and Cariu. We are still investigating to find the perpetrators of the brawl," said Rustami, Monday, February 5.

One of the dead victims, MRR (17), is a key witness to uncover this incident. However, MRR is currently still receiving medical treatment.

"There was one colleague of the victim who suffered a stab wound to his back and is currently still being treated at the Tanjungsari Health Center," explained Rustami.

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