Ahead of the 2024 General Election on February 14, the Atambua Immigration Office, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara confirmed that it would revoke the citizenship of Indonesian citizens who have dual citizenship (Indonesia-Timor Leste, ed) if they were found to enter Indonesia.
"Surely we will deport after going through several processes," said Atambua Immigration Chief Indra Maulana D when contacted from Kupang, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, February 3.
He said this was related to the anticipation of the entry of Timorese citizens who still have Indonesian ID cards and Passports entering Indonesia through a number of Cross-Border Posts (PLBN) at a number of entrances ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections in February.
However, he said that before deporting and eliminating Indonesian citizenship, it would be handled first by the local district's electoral supervisory body (bawaslu).
Because according to him, for violations of the Immigration election, there is no interest in it, but Bawaslu is the one who has an interest in knowing whether to violate it or not.
"Later, we will just have to wait for the recommendation, if it has dual citizenship, it will be immediately deported and given the applicable punishment," he said.
According to Indra, after being known by BAwaslu there was an election violation, the perpetrators would be immediately detained in a cell at the Belu Police Station for further investigation.
Belu Police Chief AKBP Richo Simanjuntak said that according to the mutual agreement at the last meeting with a number of stakeholders, what was feared was the entry of residents with dual citizenship.
Residents with dual citizenship may still have the right to vote in Indonesia and are registered on a permanent voter list because of that, his party has anticipated it.
"So the agreement is that his Indonesian citizenship will be immediately revoked if it is known that he has two citizenships," he said.
Previously, Bawaslu Belu stated that he had mapped locations that were prone to the entry of residents with dual citizenship who participated in voting during the election.
A number of these areas are spread over several points that are directly bordered. Namely in Silawan Village, in South Lamakren and several other areas.
However, Bawaslu ensured that he had given direction to Indonesian citizens at the site but it would help if they found something to worry about.
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