Academics From Unpad Call On Community To Choose President Based On Confidence, Not Money Politics
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - Academics from Padjadjaran University (Unpad) called on the public to elect presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 election based on their awareness and belief, not on the political basis of money or intimidation. Chairman of the Unpad Academic Senate Prof. Ganjar Kurnia said this was a form of responsibility for the intellectuals of the academic community of Padjadjaran University. The Unpad academics conveyed seven points related to the call "Saving of Democratic, Ethical and Dignity Law Countries". "Together with the entire community to maintain the implementation of the 2024 General Election to make it conducive, safe and dignified and control the results of the 2024 General Election until the formation of a new government as a manifestation of the sovereignty of the people," said Prof. Ganjar when delivering the points of calls regarding the current political phenomena at the Unpad Campus, Bandung City, West Java, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 3.

In these points, he said the implementation of democracy must uphold the ethics and legal norms that rely on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. According to him, the law is not only text, but also the values and principles that exist in it and are carried out consistently. In addition, he said countries and governments and apparatus must be present as protectors, guards, and facilitators of the implementation of democracy with integrity and dignity by maintaining the same distance as election contestants. 2024 election as a democratic institution, he said, should not be ridiculed or reduced meanings to just a procedure of choosing a leader.

Menurutnya, demokrasi harus dikembalikan pada jatidirinya sebagai perwujudan kedaulatan rakyat dengan menegakkan aturan main yang adil dan transparan, membuka ruang partisipasi yang substantif bagi publik untuk memperoleh informasi yang dapat diandalkan dalam memberikan suara.

"Encourage law enforcement for cases of violations that occurred during the 2024 election to be followed up immediately in order to create elections with integrity and restore public trust in the government," he said. In addition, his party also called for leaders in the government to be an example of compliance with law and ethics, not actually being an example of violating ethics. "The practice of power to legitimize the interests of a handful of elites will have an impact on the failure of sustainable development to realize the ideals of the nation's founders who are the goals of the state, as stated in the Opening of the 1945 Constitution," he said.

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