MEULABOH - Chairperson of the PKS Regional Management Board (DPTW) Aceh Province Teungku Haji Makhyaruddin Yusuf emphasized that all public officials from PKS are required to vaccinate as an effort to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

"Apart from the disciplinary campaign to maintain health protocols, we oblige all PKS public officials to vaccinate. Alhamdulillah it's all over," said Makhyaruddin Yusuf as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 24.

This affirmation was conveyed during a meeting with the Aceh Police Chief Inspector General Wahyu Widada at the Aceh Regional Police Headquarters.

In addition, PKS Aceh also talked about strengthening the economy of the Acehnese people in the midst of the current pandemic which must be the focus of all parties, especially policy makers in Aceh.

"Because we do not yet know when this pandemic will end, it means that this difficult condition may continue for a long period of time," he said.

According to Makhyaruddin Yusuf, the issue of Aceh development, especially the issue of strengthening and resilience of the community's economy in the midst of a pandemic like now, must be the concern of all parties, especially policy makers in Aceh.

In addition to issues of welfare and economic resilience, at this meeting PKS Aceh also discussed the issue of handling COVID-19 in Aceh.

Meanwhile the Head of Aceh Regional Police, Inspector General Wahyu Widada welcomed the enthusiasm and commitment conveyed by PKS Aceh.

Regarding the handling of COVID-19, Aceh Police Chief Wahyu Widada encouraged PKS through its members in the Aceh DPR to initiate the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) to form a Qanun (Regional Regulation) for handling COVID-19, so that the handling of COVID-19 could be better integrated and massive.

Regarding the issue of Aceh's poverty which had been sticking out recently, said the Kapolda, it must be addressed wisely and if necessary it should be used as motivation for the Aceh government to improve performance in implementing development, especially related to strengthening the economy of the Acehnese people.

The Aceh Police Chief also emphasized that the data that identified Aceh as the poorest region, according to him, should not make all parties worry.

"However, this should be used as motivation and encouragement to strengthen the Aceh Government's performance again," he said.

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