JAKARTA - West Java (West Java) Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan targets that in the next year, all sub-districts in the region will be free from the behavior of people who defecate in the open.

If this happens, Regent Rudy will reduce the rank of camat to become regular staff. The threat was conveyed by Rudy during the Declaration of Stop Open Defecation and ODF-Free ODF, Leuwigoong District in Garut, Wednesday, February 24.

"If the sub-district head cannot ODF (Open Defecation Free) after being given 12 months from today, watch out I will be demoted to regular staff," said Rudy Gunawan.

He said Garut Regency is currently preparing to take part in the West Java Level Healthy District assessment. One of the criteria that must be met is to be free of ODF or open defecation (BABS).

Garut Regency Government, said the Regent, seeks to improve the quality of the environment in the region by inviting all sub-district heads to be firmly determined to become ODF-free areas with a target for the next year.

"I will punish the sub-district head and I have spoken to the new regional secretary to pay attention to this," he said.

He said that currently Garut Regency has 42 sub-districts, only five districts have declared free from open defecation, the rest still have not paid attention to the problem.

"These are five sub-districts from 42 sub-districts, that's why I came here to provide 'support' to Pak Asep (Head of Leuwigoong sub-district), which today is the day when Leuwigoong Sub-district is the fifth sub-district that declares all of them ODF-free, there are 37 more. district, "he said.

Head of Leuwigoong Sub-district Asep Suhendar added that at the end of 2020 there were still three villages that had not declared a stop to open defecation in Leuwigoong District.

He conveyed that all the people of Leuwigoong Subdistrict were ready to change the behavior of open defecation and then declared it in front of the Garut Regent as a gift for the 208th Anniversary of Garut Regency.

"We are currently determined together to declare a district free from open defecation," he said.

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