The Corruption Crime Unit Team of the Pekanbaru City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Riau Province, is investigating allegations of corruption in grant funds at the Riau Malay Customary Institution (LAMR) Pekanbaru City. Head of the Pekanbaru Police Satreskrim Kompol Berry Juana Putra said his party believed that there was a criminal incident in the case. Therefore, said Kompol Berry, the status of the case was upgraded to the investigation stage based on the results of the case title. "Yes. It has gone up to the investigation stage. The case was held last week," he said in Pekanbaru, Antara, Thursday, February 1. According to Berry, the case that was investigated was related to the grant received by LAMR Pekanbaru in 2020 with a value of Rp. 1 billion. This fund is sourced from the Pekanbaru City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). He said that his party is currently focusing on collecting evidence, one of which is by asking witnesses for statements. "So far, as many as 20 witnesses have been questioned. Some are from LAM, Pekanbaru City Government, and others," said Kompol Berry. In addition, investigators are also still waiting for the results of the audit of calculating state losses (PKN) conducted by external auditors.
If it is completed, he said, investigators will re-arrest the case for the determination of the suspect. "The audit was conducted by the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia," said Kompol Berry.

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