JAKARTA - Deputy for the Media Channel for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Karaniya Dharmasaputra said Mahfud MD would be more fierce after resigning from the position of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam). The third-number vice president will voice many things that are stuck.
"When he was still in government, he was still carrying out his duties as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, of course there were certain corridors that made him have to hold back," Karaniya told reporters at the Media Center TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 31.
"Well, we hope that with now he may soon officially become part of Jokowi's government, he will be more flexible in moving," he continued.
Karaniya hopes that Mahfud MD's resignation can be imitated by other couples who have the position of minister. The goal is that there is no abuse of authority.
It is known, presidential candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto is currently serving as a presidential candidate. Meanwhile, the vice presidential candidate is Gibran Rakabuming Raka who is the mayor of Solo.
"We all know that the main condition of the fair honest election is the neutrality of the apparatus or it is not permissible for users of state facilities to win from one particular candidate," he said.
"At a time when the apparatus, facilities, and power can be used to side with one particular candidate pair, the pillar of the jurdil collapses," he said.
As previously reported, the vice presidential candidate number three, Mahfud MD has made a letter of resignation from the position of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. However, he is still waiting for the moment to meet with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to submit it directly.
"Today I have brought a letter to the president, to convey to the president directly about my political future which has recently become a public discussion and this letter will be submitted as soon as I get a schedule to meet the president," Mahfud said in a YouTube broadcast, Wednesday, January 31.
Mahfud said President Jokowi is still out of town. Therefore, Mahfud continued to carry the letter if at any time he was summoned to the State Palace, Jakarta.
"As soon as I met him in person, I conveyed this letter," he said.
Mahfud said that he deliberately wanted to submit his resignation letter directly to Jokowi. Because, he wants to uphold ethics.
"I will only submit a letter, just in short with that. I was respectfully appointed, received the appointment with respect, I will say goodbye with great honor to him too," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).
"And I will report I'm done. That's all from me," he concluded.
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