JAKARTA - The Blora Police, Central Java (Central Java) conducted a sudden urine test on its members, Wednesday, February 24.
The test, which was led directly by the Head of Blora Police, AKBP Wiraga Dimasini, was to ensure that the members were free of narcotics and illegal drugs.
After participating in the morning apple on the front page of the Blora Police Headquarters, all members were prohibited from leaving the apples because officers from the Professional and Security Section (Propam), the Health Doctor Affairs Team and members of the Satresnarkoba started preparing tables, chairs and equipment for urine tests on members.
According to the Head of Blora Police, AKBP Wiraga Dimas Tama, the activity of drug-free testing for members is a routine program in order to improve members' discipline.
"Before bringing order to the community, we will take control of the members first. Moreover, drugs are also one of the National Police's attention," he said.
Among other things, the discipline of members related to drugs is one of the National Police's programs. Therefore, the Blora Police conducted a sudden and periodic drug-free urine test, including the ranks of Polsek.
He emphasized that in prosecution cases of drug abuse, there will be no selective action, both the general public and members of the National Police who are proven to be involved in the case will be prosecuted and processed in accordance with applicable regulations.
"We will not cover up, if there are members involved in drugs, they will be prosecuted," he said.
The people of Blora are also reminded not to get involved in drug abuse because the effects are very dangerous and can damage a person's future.
Kasat Resnarkoba AKP Hartono added that the drug test kit used can show the results in a relatively fast time, so that when there are indications of being positive, they can be immediately followed up.
"The urine test results indicated positive will be sent to the Forensic Laboratory for follow-up," he said.
From the results of urine tests on members today, February 24, there were no members who indicated that they were taking drugs, although the sudden implementation shocked a number of Blora Police.
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